Identity documents, such as your driver’s license, your passport, and even your birth certificate, are an introduction to who we are and who we would like to be known as to the world. Not only might these documents help us get into a bar on a Friday night, they can also serve to protect us from the legal ramifications of misidentification or a lack of identification entirely. Our identity showcases our uniqueness and should truthfully represent us.
I was reading an article in The Atlantic the other day, and it got me thinking about estate planning and why it’s so important – especially for non-traditional families.
When going through a divorce, identifying and locating your spouse’s assets can often be a complicated and challenging endeavor. With the rise in the popularity of cryptocurrency in recent years, this task has become even more complex. Cryptocurrency is a currency that is maintained digitally and without reliance on banks or other central authorities. The most well-known example of cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, however, a wide array of cryptocurrencies is currently in circulation.
From day to day, hour to hour, as our government responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, our laws change. Some are relaxed, others are altered, and new ones are added.
The recently passed federal tax legislation raised questions and concerns for many people. The final word is still out on the implications, but here are a few observations about how the changes might come into play in the kind of family law issues that I help my clients navigate on a daily basis.*