Jose L. Espejo
Protect your same-sex spouse or partner with the right documents in DC, MD & VA.
Our law firm has been the trusted advisor to more than 700 same-sex couples in D.C., Virginia and Maryland. We know the opportunities, the risks and the strategies that will protect you, and we’ll apply our experience with sensitivity to the issues that we same-sex couples share. We draft wills, trusts, powers of attorney and partnership agreements. We create pre- and post-nuptial agreements. We re-deed houses, put them into trusts, and do whatever it takes to insure that your assets really go to the person you love.
Talk to us as you consider whether to tie the knot, maintain your status quo, or – if you live in D.C. – register as Domestic Partners. Marriage comes with hundreds of benefits, but also with unexpected impacts that you should consider carefully.
Yes, it’s difficult. It requires you to consider the worst. And it’s one of the greatest expressions of love and respect you can make. If you take the time to sign a few legal documents, you will know that everyone you care about is treated the way you want. You guarantee that your wishes carry the force of law. And you lift financial and legal burdens from those you love.
Please call us at (301) 251-1180 or inquire below.
Step 1:
Start with a will, but don’t stop there
Step 2:
Document your relationship
Step 3:
Make an appointment
Step 4:
Download forms