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Acquisition and Development Contracts


We have extensive experience in drafting and negotiating contracts for the purchase and sale of real property and for the construction of improvements on real property, including joint development and site improvement contracts in large mixed-use projects sharing common facilities such as access roads, parking lots, common utilities and recreational amenities. 

Our attorneys represent a broad range of local, regional and national developers and builders in all aspects of real estate development including, mixed-use commercial and residential projects, technology and industrial parks, commercial and residential condominiums, multi-family and planned communities, urban renewal projects, time-share, and private residence clubs, and golf communities.

When negotiating the purchase of commercial real estate, whether for development or for its existing uses, the deal is heavily guided by the unique aspects of the specific piece of property and your business goals.

Some deals may require longer study periods with more expansive cooperation rights, to put the parties in a position to proceed to a quick settlement once the status is better known; other deals may require mutual obligations and indemnities and can run the gambit on a whole host of pre-closing development obligations or conditions, entitlement contingencies, and resolution of known issues. Negotiating these unique issues into a contract requires a deep knowledge of both the law and the real estate industry, both of which our lawyers have.

Please call us at (301) 251-1180 or submit an online inquiry.